Latex master template # Setup ```sh mkdir $report cd $report git clone cp texmaster/master.tex $report.tex touch references.bib vim $report.tex ``` # Folder structure ``` $report # <-- the folder of the $report $report/$report.tex # <-- the actual .tex file $report/references.bib # <-- bibliography file $report/texmaster/ # <-- this is the git repo ``` # TeXStudio configuration ``` # options -> configure texstudio -> commands -> Biber: "biber %.bcf" -> create -> compile and display: "Default Compiler, Default Bibliography Tool, Default Compiler, Default Compiler, Default viewer" or simply: "txs:///compile | txs:///bibliography | txs:///compile | txs:///compile | txs:///view" -> Default Compiler: "PdfLaTeX" -> Default Viewer: "PDF Viewer" -> PDF Viewer: "Internal PDF-Viewer (embedded)" -> Default Biliography Tool: "Biber"